Carnival Heroes – our new best title

What is so cool about Carnival Heroes?

Carnival Heroes is our new big title, that we aim to release around the summer of 2025.
The game as a concept is similar to Nintendo’s “Super Mario party” game, in which you have main game and dozens of small mini games that you play after everybody makes a turn.


Carnival Heroes is a board game that can be played between 2 and 4 players.
There are several play modes: Solo (vs Robot AI), Local Console (vs your friends/family at home, using joysticks) and online multiplayer (vs real players from all around the world).

What’s the game about?

In Carnival Heroes you have to collect crowns. The player who finishes the game with most crowns – wins.
You roll the dice to move onto the game board. There are two types of movements: free and fixed movement.
In the free movement you draw a line on which you player moves.
In the fixed movement all players move onto the fixed line, which shortens the game playtime.
So, to buy crowns you need gems. But collecting crowns is not so easy. You have to buy them with gems, which you collect by:
1) Walking on the game board
2) As hidden gift or gift from landing on chest
3) As winning in mini games

Being able to reach and buy crowns depends on your dice throws. The bigger values the better.
You will see the game has also have a mates.

Mate is a special small friend, which is giving your another custom dice to throw.
Apart from the new dice option – mates also throw their own dice (with smaller values).
Their small dice will help you to make bigger dice combinations and reach further lands.

The game also offers multiple special items which are obtainable either from chest, from hidden gift or from the marketplace.
These items could be game changing as they can teleport players, give dice addons, steal mates and many more extras.

The game is full of special events, hidden surprises, plot twists and unexpected bonuses.

What are the minigames?

You will see tens of different and super cool minigames.
You will be building towers, participate in races, fighting opponents, tested in memory and speed games, challenged in flying and swimming games and many more.
Each mini game is different and its play time is around 1-2 minutes.

On first game release date Carnival Heroes will have over 20 mini games and later on we will be constantly adding newer and newer mini games.

What else?

Well..apart from the solo, local and multiplayer modes – you can also be playing these 3 modes in 2 teams of 2 players (so 4 players total).
In team mode, teammates have common crowns, gems and items. And in the mini games if one teammate is the top winner in the mini game – then the whole team wins (even if the other teammate has lost).

Where can I play it?

The platforms on which we are aiming to release the game are: PlayStation, Xbox, Steam and Mobile (Android/iOS).
The first one to be released on are Steam and stay tuned 🙂